Tuesday 19 June 2012

My Bedroom

Hiii blog , Firstly if you follow me on instagram sorry because you've probably seen these photos before. 
I moved into a new flat a couple of months ago , the first few weeks were completely hectic because I was desperate to have it decorated and looking perfect and cute at the click of my fingers , impossible ! But now I am settled I've had the time to get things looking how I want. Here are some photos of my bedroom which i decided to paint pink and purple - helloooo five year old girl. I haven't finished adding bits and may have a rearrange of my furniture soon ! 

I'd love to know what you think and my instagram is natalie_cupcake if you'd like to see more 



  1. Ahh the bunting is so pretty :) x

  2. Woww this is gorgeous! I'm so jealous of your room. :)x

  3. so pretty !!


  4. Your room looks really lovely! Great blog xx

  5. Hey! I've nominated you for a Liebster / Versatile blogger award :) If you want to take part then all the info is here; http://chlobey.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/the-versatile-blogger-liebster-award.html x
